One of the biggest problems I run into with self-motivated online publication is juggling a few too many balls, because the minute that something I owe someone else comes due, my own for-fun projects go out the window. While RTC isn't exactly for fun, it's also not published on a deadline for the people who provide my credentials (or related to my paycheck), so it drops down the list like a stone.
I apologize for that - not for the priority allocation, but for having been naive enough to try to set timetables when I was still unsure how many things I was juggling in my life. That's calmed down, and I know what the next year and change is likely to bring, so I'm in a much better place to address it now.
I apologize for that - not for the priority allocation, but for having been naive enough to try to set timetables when I was still unsure how many things I was juggling in my life. That's calmed down, and I know what the next year and change is likely to bring, so I'm in a much better place to address it now.